Thursday 24 May 2012

10 Signs a Senior Needs Help at Home – Part Two

Somtimes seniors don’t always like to ask for assistance.  The responsibility of suggestiong extra help often falls on the shoulders of the children.  Using an agency that offers ClearCare’s home care system has been the solution for countless seniors that need more help at home.  If your family notices any of the following signs with regard to your loved one, it may be time to look into hiring an in-home caregiver.

6.   Decline in housekeeping.  Have you noticed dirty dishes constantly piled in the sink at your parent’s house?  Does the laundry seem like it’s never finished?  If you notice more than the normal amount of clutter and dust, it may be time to bring in an in-home caregiver that can help with the housekeeping.  A caregiver that uses ClearCare’s home care software can easily track what tasks the senior needs assistance with.

7.   Signs of injury.  Abrasions or bruises on a senior (that she can’t or does not want to explain) are likely the results of a fall.  If your parent is showing bruises on a regular basis, there is cause for concern.

8.   Vulnerability to predators.  Seniors are at high risk for being taken advantage of because of their age and circumstances.  If your parent shows poor judgment, impulsive behavior, or a naive attitude, he may be a prime target for criminals.

9.   Reduced or limited mobility.  Joint problems and muscle weakness make everyday activities a challenge.  Seniors who are unsteady on their feet or have trouble accomplishing normal tasks can easily become frustrated.  ClearCare’s home care system is perfect for seniors who need a little help but still want to maintain their independence.

10.   Decreased physical activity or interest in hobbies.  If you start noticing that your parent is staying home more often, turning down social invitations, and not spending much time with friends, it could indicate depression.  Drastic mood changes can also be indicative of illness, so stay alert for such behavioral changes.

Seniors might not always appreciate your suggestion of hiring in-home help, but if you approach the issue calmly and present the benefits of ClearCare’s home care software, your parent will understand you are only trying to help her “age in place” at home.

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